Irritable Bowel Syndrome, more often called IBS, can be a stressful and
debilitating condition. It is no fun wondering whether you dare go out or not,
or how much trouble the IBS may cause you today. You are probably very fed up
with always wondering where the nearest loo is, and whether you can reach it in
time, and what if there's a queue when you get there? Often there does not seem
to be any particular reason why you suffer from it. It is very rare in younger
children, so what happens later on to start it off?
You may be taking medication prescribed by your Doctor which helps to keep it
under control, but does not cure it. You may have been told you are not
allergic to any particular food, and your Doctor may well have sent you for
various tests, to make sure you do not have any other underlying condition,
which could be treated in other ways. However, you are still in pain or at best
uncomfortable and beginning to wonder if it will last for ever. This may be
depressing you and cause anxiety too.
One of the possible causes of IBS may be an intolerance of
certain foods. This is not the same as an allergy which is
usually fairly fast in showing a reaction. Many people have worked out for themselves,
or with the aid of tests, which food allergies make their
condition worse. A food intolerance is milder so you may be completely unaware
of the delayed reaction it causes by continued low grade exposure.
The symptoms may not even show up for a couple of days, making it almost
impossible to link it up with the problem food until you stop eating it for a
while, and then eat it again as a test. I will show you how to test for this
possibility using your own body's reactions as an indicator. If you do find a
food you are intolerant to, you can choose to avoid or restrict it, and may
well find your IBS improves or ceases.
Another frequent contributary factor is excess stress. Research
shows that in an emergency the digestive system shuts down temporarily,
with blood being redirected to the arms and legs for running or fighting, using
adrenaline and cortisol to allow the body to deal with the emergency. The so
called 'Fight, Flight or Freeze' reaction. This is normal behaviour for
the body, and it's designed to wind down quickly after the emergency is over. However, if the stress is too frequent, or even constant, it may well affect the
digestion, and hence cause IBS symptoms as the digestive
system is unable to function correctly.
Hypnotherapy can be very effective in teaching you how to really relax,
thoroughly and deeply, enabling your body to digest food normally again. The
simple non invasive test I use rules out potential food intolerances or
highlights them. This gives you choice about how often or even whether to
eat that particular item at all. By learning to relax deeply, and becoming at
ease with your body, you will aid normal digestive function too.
To work with me to reduce or eliminate IBS do feel welcome to ring me on
01502-715945 or 07900.933585
The following links will allow you to read about scientific research
into IBS which found Hypnotherapy to be effective for
long term improvement of IBS.
References (The Lancet, and below, The British Medical Association)
Do feel welcome to contact me for any queries about your particular issue, or for an appointment, on 01502-715945 or 07900.933585 and I trust you will allow me to enable you to change your life for the better.
Jessica Hothersall BSc Pyschology, HPD, CBT & NLP certificates, Meridian Therapies
© Copywright Jessica Hothersall 2023