Hypnotherapy & CBT
Changing your Thinking,
Changing your Reality

Call Jessica Hothersall on 01502-715945 or 07900.933585

Hair donations to The Little Princess Trust.


My hair-cutting, seen above, was to supply hair for children who've lost their own, and need a wig. It took nearly three years to grow my hair long enough to be able to donate to this worthwhile children’s' charity, while allowing me to retain enough hair for myself. I have had long hair since the age of 11 and cannot imagine having no hair at all. Having hair is something women take for granted most of the time, men maybe less so, and certainly children do, and it generally feels very much a part of our persona.

For some children however, particular circumstances such as Alopecia, or chemotherapy for Cancer, may cause them to lose their hair, and they have enough to contend with without feeling upset about this aspect of their condition as well. The Little Princess Trust supplies real hair wigs to children on request.

They always need more hair, so if you can spare at least 7 inches, they will be very pleased to receive it. The charity was started by the parents of a little girl who lost her fight with cancer. Friends and family raised money for Hannah, to have a wig made and go on holiday. When they had money left, after she was unable to take the holiday the funds were raised for, they started this charity to help other children obtain wigs.

I have twice donated approximately 10 inches of hair to The Little Princess Trust, as well as money raised from a raffle and donations. The charity need hair from between 4 to 10 people for each wig, so there is a constant need for more. They also buy wigs custom-made in small sizes, at a subsidised rate for the children.

Contact information for the charity if you wish to help them is; www.littleprincesses.org.uk

Or phone 0845.094.4509/2169

Charity reg. no.1113172

Do feel welcome to contact me for any queries about your particular issue, or for an appointment, on 01502-715945 or 07900.933585  and I trust you will allow me to enable you to change your life for the better.

Jessica Hothersall BSc Pyschology, HPD, CBT & NLP certificates, Meridian Therapies
Member of The British Psychological Society, College of Medicine & British Holistic Medical Association